Pelvic Health Physical Therapy Following Abdominal or Pelvic Surgery

The months after a major abdominal or pelvic surgery can leave you feeling discouraged, lost, and unsure about how to begin feeling like your former self again. Never fear, pelvic health physical therapy is here! Endurance Physio’s Tara Mund is passionate about helping patients navigate their post surgical recovery and safely return to a healthy active lifestyle.

Whether you had a C-section delivery, hysterectomy, prostatectomy or hernia repair surgery, it is undeniable that the pelvic floor and core muscle function is altered post operatively. Taking the time to re-establish correct pelvic floor and core muscle activation can make all the difference between a successful recovery and a frustrating injury prone journey.


In addition to training pelvic floor and core muscle function, scar tissue is also a common concern following surgery. Physical therapy can help manage this with scar tissue mobilization to keep you moving well. Diaphragmatic breathing, stretching and self scar mobilization are all tools you can use to maximize your recovery with your home exercise program.

Finally, once you have re-trained your pelvic floor and core muscles and are managing scar tissue, it’s time to learn how to gradually resume activity. Walking is often a good place to start, but for how long, how often, and when to progress can be unclear. Even if you have been cleared by your doctor, your body may not feel ready to get back into running or your old weight lifting routine just yet. This is where individualized attention from a professional can be an invaluable tool to help guide this process. Endurance Physio will give you step by step instruction on how to gradually progress, focusing on your specific target areas of weakness while learning excellent form and body mechanics. We will teach you how to take care of your new body and potentially make it even better than it was before!

For those of you who may be a bit more competitive in your sport, did you know that at Endurance Physio we have both a biking and a running specialist? Jamie Terry, DPT and Anya Gue, DPT are able to perform specialized bike fitting as well as video running analysis. No matter what your goals are, at Endurance Physio we are here and ready to help guide you as far as you can dream to take it.

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